Wednesday, December 23, 2009

General process of Crime Scene Cleaners

First Crime Scene Cleaners look at all the objects that should be thrown away. Say the suicide is in the bedroom. Straight away, the bedclothes come off — they're going to be thrown away. The mattress — that's going to be thrown away. If there are valuables that can be cleaned, they'll start cleaning them and moving them out of the way. If it's a carpeted floor, there's no cleaning this stuff out of the carpet, so they'll roll it up, and that will be taken away. Then they'll start scrubbing the walls. They use an enzyme on the walls — it breaks the blood down and makes it easier to clean. And then the floorboards. You can't physically remove all the stains from floorboards, so they clean it as best they can and paint a sealant on the top. And that's mostly it. If it's a bedroom, it's pretty easy.

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